Sunday, December 14, 2008

Still Studying!

I'm taking a short break from studying. Our holiday vacation starts next Sunday so I'm trying to read ahead and get as many projects finished as I can. Below is a collage/drawing I have been working on today for Physiology class:

We knock off a body system every Wednesday morning. Last week was the Respiratory System, if you can't tell from my drawing. Massage school is more challenging than one would think. We are learning about a lot of the muscles of the body: where they are & what they do; systems in the body; massage techniques; communication; core integration (has to do with trauma); and of course, Student Clinic. It has been frustrating in clinic as of late getting in sync with clients' requests and expectations... I've had some people lately that I just don't understand, both communications-wise and body-wise. All I can do is take in and attempt to process the information I *am* getting from them. :-)

On a not as serious note, on Friday I drove up to the Santa Fe Ski Area, hoping to XC ski in the woods. There wasn't quite enough snow. This morning we got more, so I would think skiing could start anytime! I'm looking forward to my trip back to CO for the holidays. Steve is coming home on Christmas Day & I'll pick him up at DIA. Nice present, eh!!

What are you doing for the holidays?

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