Joshua Tree - Boy Scout Trail
~8 mi. one way
Driving: Drop one car off at pick up point. The pick up trailhead is about .5 mi. uphill from Indian Cove Ranger station, located south off of Hwy 62 on Indian Cove Rd. just west Twentynine Palms.
Drive west on Hwy 62 to Park Ave. in Joshua Tree town. Turn Left. Enter JTNP and drive to Boy Scout Trailhead (on left, about 10mi. from turn onto Park Ave.). The drive from the pick up point to the starting trailhead takes approximately a 1/2 hour.
Hike Overview: This one-way hike begins as a sandy, flat-ish trail for the first half of the hike or so out through the J-Trees and Wonderland of Rocks. There are some scenic rock outcroppings before the descent into the wash, which could be good lunch stops and/or water breaks. Good views out towards the west & the San Bernadino Mtns.
The trail descends moderately and ultimately 1,345’ total into a wash and changes character dramatically. Arrowhead symbols on posts mark the way once you start descending. Watch carefully for the trail -- in some places navigating can be tricky. The trail is rocky in spots and at one point, descends & switchbacks fairly steeply. If you use hiking poles, take them, even though it initially looks like you won’t need them. Trail goes into the sandy wash bottom on & off. It eventually descends down to the bottom of the canyon, out the last of the wash, and exits onto the flats for the last mile and a half or so. Look for desert bighorn sheep in the canyon.
There is a side trip available which branches off a little more than a mile out from the trailhead (Willow Hole, 2.3mi one way). The scenery is about the same, but if you want more miles, it is an easy way add them.
Hike Highlights:
• Scenic Joshua Trees
• Wonderland of Rocks formations & views of San Bernadino Mtns to the west
• Transition of terrain from start to finish
• Possible desert bighorn sighting – I saw at least three when I was running the trail!