Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cookies & Cocoa!

I have to laugh at the sugar cookies... what you can't really tell from the photo is that the yellow looking ones are really sort of neon green, the blue ones are turquoise (I was missing Santa Fe, I guess), and well, the purple ones are... purple.  They're more Easter egg colors than Christmas/Solstice, for sure, but hey, I just needed to be artistic, I guess.  I would have made Picasso shapes had I had wierd shaped cookie cutters!  Maybe next time.  LOL.  If you think my cookies are wierd, check out this blog for inspiration!  (Love her blog!)

And the cocoa mug -- it's my favorite mug.  Love. It. Probably because it's colorful.  And because it is painted with a mountain landscape.  Wrap your hands around a nice, hot mug of cocoa complete with mini marshmallows -- or better yet, a mocha -- and see how good it makes you feel!  ;-)

Hope you're all enjoying the season out there!  

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