Monday, December 29, 2008

Season's Greetings!

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season! Today in Santa Fe it is over 40F (close to 50F?), sunny, and somewhat slushy out there with the snow melting. I went up to one of the Dale Ball Trails above town this morning and went for a short run. (See photos that were taken on Sunday above.) I was walking with snowshoes yesterday which proved to be more cumbersome than they were worth! Running shoes worked fine today as the trails were just snowpacked. Just the right amount of "melt" for good traction: not too slushy, not too frozen! :-)

Steve is back from Australia (mostly). I picked him up in Denver on Christmas Day when I was up there visiting our friends, Fern & Bryan. I say "mostly" because he is now adjusting to being back as well as adjusting to spending the next few months in SFe with me while I finish school. He showed me all his pictures last night, so I felt like I was kind of there (but without the heat!).

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