It has been awhile since I last posted on MK. Recent posts have been on my other blog, Guide 2 Hiking, which is intended as a resource for the hiking community (mostly those folks I hike with on tours). :-) This blog, Mountain Kaleidoscope, was started to cover my personal adventures and day to day life in the mountains.
Lately, I feel like I have been "living the dream" somewhat. I've started to experience a nice balance of work (guiding seasonally and fitting in my massage training working for a local chiropractor), art (this month on display at Cafe Dawn here in Salida, CO), and physical activity (currently training for my first 25-mile trail run event, the Collegiate Peaks). All that, plus maintaining day to day relationships with friends & family.
Skiing and ice climbing have taken more of a back seat this year to massage therapy. I've met some great people and (hopefully) helped relieve some of their aches and pains. It has been a bit frustrating being a new therapist at age 50. Patience has been the key. Practice and do what I am currently trained to do; know that experience will come in time. Listen to clients. Be present. Practice good body mechanics because massage work is much more challenging than it looks like from the outside! I'm grateful for the opportunity.
I've had half a dozen ski days and no ice days this winter...! Although I miss being out there, that doesn't mean I'm not training. It is hard to describe the joy I feel out running the trails. It's one of my favorite past times. We are lucky to have so many singletrack trails nearby with fabulous views of the Collegiate and Sangre de Cristo mountain ranges. I've had my eye on the CPTR for quite a while and finally (eek) signed up for it this season! By no means am I fast. I was one of the slowest runners in my class growing up. Geek material. I am awe of ultrarunners (50k, 50m, 100k, 100m+). Just developing the ability to be able to spend the whole day exploring the mountains really piques my interest. Trail running allows for even more options than a long day hike. Multi-day adventures could be possible as well. All I really want to do with this race is finish. Upright, preferably! :-)
As for art, well, aside from finally hanging some pieces in a local coffee shop for the month of March, I'm awaiting my next project and inspiration. Maybe it will come from playing with new media, maybe from an upcoming tour in the Grand Canyon. Who knows? But my pencils, papers, and paints await, ready to go when Inspiration arrives.
Thanks for visiting! Keep a look out at Guide 2 Hiking for new posts in the near future.
4 weeks ago