I'm still pretty busy with Massage Therapy school but I thought I would post just a couple of things.

First of all, Steve's got a new blog! It's called Hot Wheels Down Under. If that title doesn't make sense to you, let me explain that he is taking off next weekend for an extended bike tour through and around the Australian Outback. In summer, yikes!! Check it out.
Above is a photo from one of the trails in the Dale Ball trail system above Santa Fe. There are some wonderful places to go hiking, mt. biking, and running. This trail went up Mt. Picacho.
I started this drawing the last day of my break last week (why does it take me the whole week to get inspired?). It might be awhile before I can get around to finish it -- unless I neglect my homework! :)
We are now getting cold nights & frosty mornings here in town, but the days have been relatively warm here at 7000'. Hope everyone is enjoying the last week of Daylight Savings Time!