Wow, it's fall already! In some ways, I feel like I'm so far behind that I think I'm first. I must apologize for being away so long & explain why...
This summer was spent guiding -- bike tours in KY & NC, then a hiking tour out in Yosemite, another hike back in southwestern Colorado, then out to Oregon for a few more bike tours.
My mom fell very ill in the early to middle part of the summer then sadly, passed away -- I was on tour then back "home" a few times. Had to spend a little time grounding as well.
The Good News (and there *is* Good News) is that I'm in Santa Fe, NM, for six months of massage therapy training. I've only been here for less than a month and still in the getting-used-to-it/shock-of-having-to-be-in-school again, but it's going well so far. And, I'm learning Lots, with a capital L! Not sure how much I'll be able to post from here, but hopefully at least periodically. So far the workload has been plenty, but old high school habits are returning (like, I keep my head in the books full-time! Haha!). Not sure if that is a "good thing" but am trying to adapt to be focused but not "too" focused... and not "too" perfect. I like to think of myself as a "recovering" perfectionist. Hmmmm! :-) Our class is a great group of people, too! Yay!
This is the time of year for comfort food, like apple pie and chili! So I hope everyone is doing well out there & enjoying whatever fall weather / colors you have in your neck of the woods!
4 weeks ago